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Quantum Computing at the Netherlands eScience Centre

At the eScience Centre, Nicolas plays an important role in shaping technological endeavours. His responsibilities span from identifying the technological strength of the eScience Center in to ensuring alignment with research projects and needs of the…

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Quantum Application Lab Secures SESA Grant for Quantum Computing Application Development

Amsterdam, November 23 2023 The Quantum Application Lab (QAL) is proud to announce the receipt of the “Subsidie Economische Structuur en Arbeidsmarktversterking” (SESA) grant, a significant financial boost of 1.2 million euros, awarded by the A…

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Large Grant Awarded to Quantum Application Lab

Quantum Application Lab has received the generous support of Quantum Delta NL to develop several projects within the next few years. QAL has been granted 600k euros to co-finance five new projects in the next years. At QAL our focus is to develop app…

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QAL Open Call for Science

Call for Quantum Application Development QAL invites researchers who want to explore the use quantum computers for their scientific use cases to apply for in-kind contributions from QAL members!   The knowledge and technological developments in …

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A word on the QAL mission from Koen and Mark

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Quantum computing explained

Quantum research today means big business. What was once seen as a scientific curiosity, quantum computing now promises to transform many aspects of everyday life from cybersecurity to drug development and weather forecasting. In recent years work in…

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Open for business

In March 2022, half a year after the MoU was signed,  QAL opened for business with plans to play a leading role in developing real-world quantum computer applications. Technology is accelerating hard, but at the same time, we want to be careful …

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