
Welcome to Quantum Application Lab’s Results page, where we unveil our latest publications and findings. Dive into our repository of groundbreaking outcomes, showcasing the impact of quantum computing on diverse industries. Explore our documented successes, research insights, and tangible outcomes, highlighting the transformative power of quantum technology in real-world applications.

Quantum Annealing for Rostering Optimization

The Problem At Air France KLM over 7,000 employees work in shifts with different contract percentages, skill and authorization levels, etc. Efficiently scheduling all these employees becomes a complex combinatorial task. To solve it classically, Air …

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Quantum Computing for the N-1 Problem

The Problem Dutch DSO Alliander is faced with the challenge of increasing the capacity of their network within the next 10 years by the same amount as within the past 100 years. On top of that, novel technologies like solar panels and electric vehicl…

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Quantum Machine Learning for Bathymetry

The Problem Bathymetry is the study of water depths and at S[&]T this is done through the analysis of remote sensing data. This is relevant to the Dutch Ministry of Defense for collecting situational intelligence to determine potential landing si…

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Quantum Linear Solver for Radioastronomy

The Problem Modern large scale radio telescopes are made of multiple antennas whose signal needs to be combined to form a clear picture of the night sky. During this process, the antenna system needs to be calibrated to digitally remove noise source …

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Photocatalysis for Water Splitting

The Problem Toyota Motor Europe, in collaboration with QAL, is delving into the realm of photocatalysis for watersplitting, a pivotal process in the sustainable production of hydrogen. The accurate simulation ofphotocatalytic reactions stands as a co…

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