Quantum application development for tomorrow’s business solutions

For organizations with computational challenges in optimization, simulation and machine learning.

Explanation of QAL

Our mission

QAL is a public-private R&D partnership that offers a unique team of scientists, researchers, engineers, application developers, software and hardware specialists in a leading platform to explore and bring to market the benefits of quantum computing. We support companies to navigate this complex and changeable environment, in order to make the best possible choices for their development roadmap and their envisioned applications.

Consortium members

Exploring potential in many sectors

The benefits of quantum computing

Quantum computing is rapidly transforming from a specialist theory in physics to a source of new technologies, economic growth and workforce development opportunities. While still a nascent technology, its potential is actively being explored across many sectors, including: Pharma, finance, energy, automotive, logistics, engineering, academia, governments and more.


Financials are exploring optimized investment portfolio management and more effective analysis of large or unstructured data sets with equally powerful use cases in capital markets, corporate finance, and encryption-related activities.

Energy and power industry

The energy and power industry is expected to benefit from quantum computing’s simulation capabilities and computing power to result in more efficient electrical power systems, better batteries, cleaner fertilization, and lower emissions.

Pharmaceutical companies

For pharmaceutical companies and biotech industry quantum computing’s ability to simulate larger, more complex molecules could reduce drug discovery time and increase effective patent life.

Our projects

Explore the benefits of quantum computing

Our clients are offered a realistic view on the capabilities and limitations of quantum computing technologies over specific time frames, for optimization, simulation, machine learning – and more. We additionally offer our clients:

  • Evidenced decision-making on quantum computing application development
  • Develop fit-for-purpose technology solutions in an open innovation ecosystem
  • De-risk investments through pre-competitive R&D collaboration

Types of projects:

Strategic exploration

Duration: 3 months

Use case selection & roadmap development

Duration: 6 months

Application development & implementation

Duration: 6-12 months

Excited to find out what quantum computing can do for your organization? 

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